What’s the number one thing that an RD thinks of when there is a heat wave: hydration!
Besides sweat, we also lose fluids through breathing and talking (think about blowing air on a glass surface….you can see the water condensing).
On top of that, our bodies are not always great at telling us that we are thirsty and taste changes may make drinking water more difficult.
If you are outdoors exercising, profusely sweating, on certain medications/chemotherapies or are losing fluids through vomiting or diarrhea, you may want to consider replacing your electrolytes as well. Salt sticks are one easy/great product to talk with your medical team about: https://amzn.to/3IYrvVD
For people having trouble staying hydrated, I usually recommend:
-bumping up fluid rich foods including: jello, ice-pops, watermelon, cucumbers, broth
-setting a fluid alarm to remember to drink bolus amount of water
-adding fresh or frozen fruit/2-3 oz of juice to water/seltzer to make it more palatable
Book a discovery call to figure out how well you are keeping hydrated and how much you should be drinking in a day www.hillarysachsnutrition.com